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Things to Know About Marshall Middle School

Marshall Cardinal Logo

School begins at 8:00am and ends at 3:23pm. Doors open for breakfast at 7:30am for students eating breakfast and 7:45am for remaining students.

If you change your phone number please make the change in your Infinite Campus account as soon as possible. If you are unable to do so, call 743-6226 to make the change. Address changes, please come to Marshall with current utility/cable bill, lease or mortgage and photo ID.

Attendance Information

  • To report a student’s absence call 608-743-6230. When leaving a message please spell out your child’s name, grade and reason for absence. Please speak slowly and clearly.
  • If your student is absent 1 school day it is the student’s responsibility to get missed work from teachers upon their return to school.
  • If your student is absent 2 or more days call 743-6226 by 10:00am. Someone will contact your student’s teachers to collect homework that you may pick up at the end of the school day.
  • For each days assignments, call the Homework Hotline of your student’s team.
    • 6 Blue - 743-6240 / 7 Blue – 743-6270 / 8 Blue – 743-6170
    • 6 Red – 743-6250 / 8 Red – 743-6160
    • 7 Green - 743-6290
  • Detentions will be issued for unexcused tardiness. To avoid a detention: if your student is late please send them upon arrival to the Attendance Office with a written excuse or call 743-6230 to report your student tardy.

Dismissal Time

  • A parent must come in to the Attendance Office to sign out students leaving school before 3:23 pm. Please notify the Attendance Office (608-743-6230) in advance if your child will be needing an early dismissal.  This is a district policy and must be followed.
  • There is a drop off area behind school by Door 9. Follow the arrows and cones.
  • Students must be off campus at 3:38pm unless under the direct supervision of a staff member.

IMPORTANT! All lunch deposits MUST be sealed in an envelope with your student’s name, grade and the amount written on it and put it in the LUNCH DEPOSIT BOXES located in the Cafeteria and the Main Office before 9am to count toward that day’s lunch –NO EXCEPTIONS . Make checks to: School District of Janesville. You may also add money to your student’s lunch account in Infinite Campus. There can be no cash or checks accepted in the lunch line.


  • Marshall's 168,095 square foot building is located on the east side of Janesville on 28 acres of land next to Interstate 90. The building design includes 75 classrooms. Classes for math, science, social studies, language arts, reading, and health are located in nine "houses" with each house comprised of approximately 110 students.
  • The exterior grounds include parking space for 120 cars; one all-purpose playing field; a football field; facilities for discus, shot put, and long jump; and six dual purpose tennis/basketball courts. The grounds are landscaped with 122 trees of 13 different varieties.
  • Students travel to other parts of the building for their special area subjects including choir, band, orchestra, technology education, computers, art, family and consumer education, foreign language, and physical education. The students also have access to an LMC, four computer labs, a cafetorium, a gymnasium, and a swimming pool.
  • Each school in the district is equipped with state-of-the art technology. Every classroom contains a phone. Each classroom is equipped with 2 computer work stations--one for the teacher and one for students. There also is a television in each room to which the teacher's computer is connected. All computers are Internet accessible.
  • Other Information

  • Questions about your student’s lunch account? Call 743-6208.

Questions About Academics

Ashley Lecaptain


Questions About Social / Emotional Issues?

Angela Olin

Student Services Specialist